Running & Cardio | My Fitness Journey

Running and cardio has become a very integral part of my fitness routine. I run three times a week and then use the Stairmaster at least once a week, usually. I used to be horrible at running. I used to be incredibly slow. When I first started, the goal was always to run 2 miles, but it was also to run 2 miles quickly. When I started, I would run two miles in 23 minutes and some change, but my goal was to run two miles in 18 minutes and 30 seconds. It took me two months to hard training and injuring myself, but I eventually got to do it. For years after that, I still hated running, but I still had to do it. It wasn't until I took matters into my own hands that I was able to get better. For years, I was made to train in groups who led the training based on their own abilities and just assumed that everybody else would be able to do it. A lot of people got injured but eventually we all just kind of were released into the gym and made to train whatever we needed to train. And I was v...