Check-in Oct 10

So I've been trying to do weekly check-ins, but I might as well just do monthly because I'm so chaotic that I can't keep a schedule that makes any sense. The only thing that I could schedule and keep normal is my work schedule because that's not something I get to decide. So, of all the chaotic things that I cannot schedule, the one thing that I can schedule and I will say, has been going, well, is my workout routines and my ability to stay in shape and eat decently enough. I 'd like to do a couple of posts on my workout routines because I've found a good split that works well for me. And I feel like I'm seeing a really good difference. My physique is getting to almost perfectly the way I want it to be, although you, of course, you want to get more mass as if you know what I mean. So, my skincare has been dumbed down in a way where it's just products that I know work. And I've stopped experimenting and trying products for a little while, although I ...