April: Skincare Reviews

This past month or so I have been trying out some new Skincare products. The first product I tried is the P re and Probiotic Radiance cream by Balance Me . This is a moisturizer that claims to visibly moisturize, plump, reduce inflammation, and help improve skin tone and texture. It is cruelty free and made with natural ingredients. When I first used it, I could first note that it a more liquid consistency than I expected. When I opened it, it basically came pouring out of the tube. It smells medicinal which isn't bad, and I don't feel like it's too strong of a scent. It spread pretty easily because of its looser texture and coated the skin well. I didn't find it super hydrating but, I've also found my skin to be dryer than normal this time of year. Aweek after trying it I started to use at night when my hormonal acne would start to appear, and I feel like it helped keep the acne from worsening when usually it would. I would giv...