The Moonlit Oddyssey CH 2

CHAPTER 2 Naomi's morning usually consists of basic hygiene, breakfast, and then getting dressed. Since she has been living alone for 2 years she's become very comfortable in her home. Naomi made her way to the bathroom to wash her face and fill her head with all that she has to do today. Planning to adorn her yukata after breakfast she set it aside in her bedroom and headed for the kitchen. She made rice and steamed some vegetables. She set her food on the table and bowed her head in prayer. Looking up she found a very peculiar dent in what was a perfectly round scoop of rice. Bewildered she looked around the room, but found she did not have to look far because across the table from her was a young man. His skin was pale but just shy of unhealthy and his hair was a surprising reddish orange. Naomi had never seen anyone who looked like this. Naomi's face had a confused look on her face. She was so confused by his features that she had forgotten that he was an intruder in ...