December 2022 Check-in

I am back and hopefully more consistent. I have been busy with work and school so I have had little downtime. I am actually excited for the holidays this year, mostly because I'm committed to decorating and doing Christmas activities. I have been doing Vlogmas in the form of YouTube shorts on my main channel. This year I'm actually able to do things like advent calendars and ginger bread houses. This year I saved up to get a decent pre-lit Christmas tree and I have the theme of mostly gold and red in mind. These past few months have been very busy but I haven't posted much. I'm trying to get back into the swing of making content. I get hung up on the editing sometimes because there's so much I wish I'd have done differently when I watch it back. This past October I turned 25 and my youngest turned 1. We had cake and sang happy birthday. Me and my husband went to get sushi while my mum watched the kids. It was the first time in 4 years that I'd gone to a re...