How I Take Care of My Skin/ Prevent Stretch Marks

Taking care of my skin and preventing stretch marks. I'm currently 6 months pregnant so I'm trying my best to keep stretch marks at bay and keep myself mentally and physically healthy. So, keeping a steady shower routine has helped me by giving me some stress release as well as the stability of having a routine. First things first, washing. Usually, if use the Rose Dove bar soap 🧼 but this works too. I use bar soap instead of body wash because it's just been too hot and sweaty lately. I feel like this really strips the sweat, dirt, and oil the best. I use bodywash more so in the colder parts of the year because its more gentle and to help hydrate. Next, I use this Dove exfoliating scrub to help smooth out the skin. It's more of a gentle exfoliate so I can use it everyday or every other day. The texture is also nice and creamy so my skin doesn't dry out. Once a week I will exfoliate with the exfoliating gloves as well as this scrub just as a weekly de...