Mocha vibes - OOTD

Today’s agenda was to run some errands. I wanted to order some glasses for my daughter and some contacts for myself and fix my son’s phone. I also took a quick-ish trip to dollar tree and got some fun stuff for crafting and cleaning. The OOTD! I’m wearing this super cute jumpsuit from Rainbow and this Hoodie shacket from Walmart. I love a good one piece / jumpsuit outfit. I plan to get more because it makes outfit planning easier and my go to way to style this is with a loose jacket that’s either a similar color or black. I accessorized with an Unas Annus dad hat (the website no longer exists) but I feel like I should’ve added some jewelry to give it a little more “I tried” lol. I chose my glasses with the brown frames today because I couldn’t find the gold ones but I could have done a gold necklace and tied it all together. *All links are affiliate links and I get a small commission if you use them